Umpire Registration

South Farmington Baseball Inc. Umpire Application Form (Applicants must be 13 years or older)


Every umpire wishing to officiate a game for SFBI is required to complete this form. South Farmington Baseball’s success is dependent on the dedicated and reliable individuals who provide services for the league. The Board of Directors offers its sincere thanks and appreciation to all those willing to share their time and energy in service of our community. 

Open the calendar popup.
Phone Number
Best Phone Number to reach you
Emergency Number
Your Email
Are you registered to play for SFBI this season?
If so, what division are you playing in?
Sibling(s) in SFBI?
Do you have a sibling(s) registered to play in SFBI this season?
If so, which divisions?
Have you been affiliated with umpiring in the past
If yes, indicate the league and years
If yes, please indicate the league and the number of years.
What size shirt do you wear?
Mens sizes only
Do you Need a Hat?
Do you own your own umpire bag, brush, and clicker
Why do you think you would make a good umpire?
Positive Attitude
I understand that my maintaining a positive attitude at League activities plays a crucial role in the experience of every child participating in SFBI. It is also true for every individual that assists me or who is present to observe League activities
Positive Attitude 2
I will do my best to assure that every child involved in SFBI this season is provided the most positive playing experience possible.
I will comply with the rules and regulations of SFBI throughout the entire season. I understand that if accepted as an umpire, it is for the duration of the current season, unless revoked sooner by the Board of Directors.

Required Fields